Lincoln City
Tuesday 28th January
Depart Red Lion: 13:00
Depart Saddle: 13:10
Depart Waterloo: 13:20
Price: £35 (Junior £18)
Burton Albion
Saturday 8th February
Depart Red Lion: 09:30
Depart Saddle: 09:40
Depart Waterloo: 09:50
Price: £28 (Junior £14)
Stockport County
Saturday 1st March
Depart Red Lion: 10:00
Depart Saddle: 10:10
Depart Waterloo: 10:20
Price: £15 (Junior £8)
Saturday 8th March
Depart Red Lion: 09:30
Depart Saddle: 09:40
Depart Waterloo: 09:50
Price: £28 (Junior £14)
Northampton Town
Saturday 22nd March
Depart Red Lion: 07:45
Depart Saddle: 07:55
Depart Waterloo: 08:05
Price: £40 (Junior £20)
Rotherham United
Saturday 5th April
Depart Red Lion: 09:00
Depart Saddle: 09:10
Depart Waterloo: 09:20
Price: £28 (Junior £14)
Friday 18th April
Depart Red Lion: 06:30
Depart Saddle: 06:40
Depart Waterloo: 06:50
Price: £40 (Junior £20)
Wigan Athletic
Saturday 26th April
Depart Red Lion: 10:45
Depart Saddle: 10:55
Depart Waterloo: 11:05
Price: £15 (Junior £8)
To book please call the Travel Hotline: 07753 405628
Travel bookings CANNOT be made via email
Please note you must be a member to travel with BSA.
Other pick ups may be available en route - please speak with the Travel Line for further information.
Times may be subject to change if fixtures are amended.
Junior prices apply to those aged 16 and under
Travel Terms and Conditions:
Passengers are reminded that they must comply with the following terms and conditions whilst travelling on the official BSA coaches.
1. Each coach will be stewarded by a BSA representative appointed by the Committee. The steward is responsible for the safety of passengers and their decision is final.
2. Smoking, including electronic cigarettes, will not be permitted on the coach. Anyone smoking may be ejected from the coach.
3. Strictly no alcoholic drink or drugs are to be brought onto or consumed on the coach. Anyone caught bringing alcohol or drugs onto the coach or consuming alcohol or drugs on the coach may be refused travel or be ejected.
4. Passengers whom appear to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs may be refused travel by the coach steward.
5. Violence, threatening behaviour and abuse, including verbal abuse or any other unlawful behaviour, against the coach driver, coach steward, other BSA members/supporters and the general public will not be tolerated and if such behaviour does occur then this will be dealt with by the committee and you may be refused future travel.
6. BSA and the coach organisation recommend that no items are to be left on the coach. Any items that are left will be entirely at the owner’s risk. BSA and the coach organisation will not be liable for lost or stolen property.
7. Any passenger who has been unwell on the coach will be responsible for the cleaning costs enforced by the coach organisation and depending on the circumstances may be refused ongoing travel.
8. The coach steward has the authority to search any bags or belongings to ensure compliance with these terms and conditions. Refusal to be searched may result in your travel being refused.
9. Stopping for breaks is the steward’s decision in consultation with the coach driver(s).
10. The steward will inform you of a departure time following any stops, it is your responsibility to be back on the coach for this time. If you are unsure please check when getting off.
11. It is your responsibility to collect all of your belongings at the end of your journey. The steward is there for safety only.
12. You must respect other passengers.
13. You must be able to look after yourself – it is not the responsibility of the BSA steward or other passengers to look after you
14. Please remember that when we stop off for refreshments people in the town/village/pubs are aware who we are and any bad behaviour is likely to get reported and will affect our reputation.
15. BSA does not operate an unaccompanied child or young person service for anyone under the age of 14 at the date of travel. Anyone over the age of 14 must contact the Travel line on 07753 405628 for further details.
Travel for Under 16s
BSA does not operate an unaccompanied child or young person service for anyone under the age of 14 at the date of travel.
Children between the ages of 14 and 16 will only be permitted to travel alone if a parent or legal guardian has completed and signed this form.
The completed form must be submitted to or with the travel payment. We will only accept a child if they are dropped off at the coach with a parent/carer and this form is completed and signed. Failure to follow the above will result in the child named below not being able to travel.
The form can be downloaded here.
Extra Guidelines
1. Anyone who wishes to travel on BSA coaches MUST be a member and must complete and sign the membership form and pay the relevant fee.
2. The membership form should be completed prior to travel, however in exceptional circumstances this can be completed on the coach and the Travel Co-ordinator will then arrange for the forms to be passed to the Membership officer as soon as possible following the journey.
3. All bookings MUST be made by contacting the Travel line on 07753 405628 or on a coach
4. Payments MUST be made in advance by Thursday for a Saturday match or by Saturday for a Tuesday match, unless in exceptional circumstances and in agreement with the Travel Organiser and the Treasurer
5. Any members who do not show up for the coach the decision on whether a refund can be made will be at the discretion of the Travel Co-ordinator and Treasurer
6. Payments for members who only travel one way – a payment of between 50% and 75% of the relevant coach fare is required, depending on the coach capacity and the Travel Co-ordinator and the Treasurer will make the final decision on payment due.
7. Loyalty cards are issued and these will be signed on the coach, once a card is completed you will be entitled to £10 off future travel.
8. On occasions BSA will run special promotions such as free travel – if this is the case special arrangements will be notified in advance
9. Children under age 14 must be accompanied by someone over the age of 18 and will pay half price on the coach